Wednesday, September 8, 2010

School Is In Session

The kids (and I) were so excited when the box of curriculum materials was put by the door this morning. We immediately opened it and I organized my binder. What fun! As soon as I closed it, August asked, "So, can we start school today?" I thought I better take advantage of the we began.

It was magical having the kids gathered together to read.  I felt like we were at the right place at the right our lives were proceeding according to plan.

August's favorite part of the day was when I told him he could finally write in his First Grade Journal, a binder I put together for him. It's full of blank white and lined pages. The plan is for him to write or draw about his favorite part of homeschooling each day. Today he wrote about the box showing up at the door.

The school year is off to a great start!